Padeswood and Buckley Golf Club

Greens & Ecology

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Winter programme 24-25

The 7th/15th double green will have drainage work similar to that done successfully on the 16th and 17th greens in the last two seasons.

In mid to late December an underground pipe will be installed form the 14th pond to the ditch on the 15th fairway. At the end of January a holding tank will be installed below the 17th fairway connecting to a new pond created on the right of the fairway. It will be linked by an underground pipe to the pond on the 16th hole. Water transfer will be powered by a pump. This will mean that the area around the 17th fairway will be linked to the existing and effective drainage system on the riverside holes.

To protect the tees in on the 6th and 10th holes mats will be installed.

A new members washdown area will be installed by the existing machinery washdown area.


The Greenkeeping Team, led by Stuart Mason, is committed to achieving the highest standard of course maintenance whilst enhancing the natural beauty and ecology of the course. A number of chemicals for controlling fungus and worm casts have been revoked recently and this has accelerated the introduction of more natural turf management. Together with investment in further initiatives, the club can be proud of its progress to be in the forefront of environmentally-friendly clubs.

Below are some of the recent developments.

Tree management Sun and airflow over greens are vital to produce a sustainable golf course. Selected trees around greens and tees have been trimmed or removed to provide early morning sunshine and airflow to greens. This helps to prevent fusarium fungus and worm casting. It also improves frost clearance on winter mornings. All tree work is fully supported by the agronomist from the Sports Turf Research Institute.

Wood usage We have a partnership with Chester Zoo to collect any removed branches and use them to feed elephants and giraffes. This supplements their diets and provides them with a realistic feeding experience. The logs are sold and the monies raised have been used to purchase hand mowers to use in the winter to avoid greens damage.

Recycling washdown system A system has been installed to conserve water and to prevent any ground water pollution from machinery cleaning products.

Organic greens treatment The greens are treated with compost teas, organic fertilisers and seaweeds. The use of chemicals is decreasing annually. The best wetting agents are used to limit the water applied to the greens.

Eco-rough Rough is cut and the grass removed to impoverish the soil. In the longer term the frequency of cutting can be reduced conserving fuel. The rough also provides corridors for wildlife.

Equipment The club is will trial battery-operated machinery to further reduce use of fossil fuels. A weather station has been purchased to record weather patterns and help planning maintenance procedures.

Wildflower area Two areas have been developed. The first was developed after tree clearance by the third green and the second after clearance of a scrub area alongside the first tee. The areas attract bees, butterflies, invertebrates and birds.

The Clubhouse Although not under the remit of the Greens Team, the club is looking at installing solar panels, converting to LED lights and possibly getting a wind turbine.